Dress: J crew(old), Booties: nine west (old); handbag: Chanel. Is this me pre or post momdom? photo: my sister CC |
Before I had a child, I loved clothes. I loved an opportunity to go out to dinner or a party and get all dressed up. I adored the way my cashmere sweaters felt against my skin. The year I was pregnant, I barely shopped, a past time that regularly gives me an endorphin high and just makes me - happy. After all, my size was changing every day ( and not in the good direction), and who knew what size I would be after. I put on compression stockings religiously with the goal of preserving my shoe size. Friends had warned me that your shoe size could increase if you do not manage your swelling. I secretly longed to still fit in at least my heels again.
The first few months after I had my son, I didn't recognize my body. I wondered, "Why do I still look pregnant". I read in books you don't get skinny overnight, but really, I still looked 6 months pregnant on my first day home. Luckily, I did not have to be in a Victoria's Secret runway show 6 weeks post partum. But the best thing was, my love of clothes was replaced by something even better, the love for my child, a little baby boy. I suddenly would have thrown every beloved cashmere sweater I own into the fire to protect him - wait - I would throw myself in the fire. I think you know what I am talking about. Sans makeup, I put on leggings, a baggy top, slippers and was dressed. After all, cashmere just pills if you wash and dry clean it too many times and the amount of spit up this little seven pounder could produce was amazing. A lack of sleep can just take the wind right out of your super chic sails.
I was out one day and I saw her....the most lovely, elegant, and chic mother. She had on leggings, like me, but instead of a spit up covered over sized tee, she had on a long cashmere cardigan, a leopard scarf, riding boots, over sized sunnies and the brightest coral lip. In tow - three children and one looked under one. Her hands free leather handbag crossed over her side as she smoothly tossed open the stroller. I thought...wow...she is put together! It immediately conjured up fantasies that this woman must be the most amazing mother and wife if she could look like this with three kids in tow.
Shortly after this sighting, I read an amazing article by Annette Tapert in The New York Times(6/16/2012) titled "Always Dress to Impress". It was a discussion of why one must put yourself together, mother or not, "unrelentingly" for the sake of dignity and discipline. She reports on how her daughter once commented on her embarrassing outfit during a school pick up and relates " She [her daughter] was simply embarrassed, but, in truth, my shoddy outfit exhibited disregard for her". Are we not showing others respect, in addition to ourselves, when we at least try?
I slowly started losing weight and ahhhh....fitting back into my clothes. I slowly started shopping again, while I order online, spend less, and return more frequently than ever. And I started superchicmom - a hobby for me and my love of fashion. I try to feature outfits that are comfortable, practical, attainable, but still super chic. There is inspiration all around me every where I go - and it is from you amazing chic moms. If you look the part you will be it. No one will remember you forgot the juice boxes, they will just be admiring your faux fur scarf.